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Hometown Book

Book – An American Hometown: Terre Haute, Indiana, 1927

An American Hometown is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0253221293/

This book considers life in a typical midwestern city through the lives of hundreds of actual residents. Terre Haute during this time was known as “The Crossroads Of America” and described in a poem by Max Ehrmann as “the world in miniature”. The community was a balance of rural and urban, traditional and progressive, local and distant. Exploring Terre Haute in the 1920s is a spiritual journey as well as a historic one; perhaps the last time that Americans sustained a familiar intimate relationship with one another and the natural world.

An American Hometown is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0253221293/

Public Radio – Hometown with Tom Roznowski

“Hometown with Tom Roznowski” is conceived as a walking tour through Terre Haute, Indiana in the summer of 1926. The series is comprised of over 450 three-minute meditations on a place and time not so far distant from our own. Close enough, at least, to provide some amazing discoveries for the curious traveler.